April is Financial Literacy Month! To spread awareness about the importance of financial literacy with your students, join NAF, Goalsetter, and the NBA Players Association in drafting 1 Million Black and Brown kids in America to receive Goalsetter savings accounts. Goalsetter is a free app that promotes family savings, financial literacy, and smart spending.

And the best part? Goalsetter will make a $1 donation to your NAF academy when your students use a unique sign-up code to download the app and fund a savings account.
Resource of the Week
Join Us For NAF Next 2021
This year our signature event, NAF Next 2021 from July 13-15th is virtual and more interactive than ever. Join us and academies from across the nation to learn, share, and connect with one another on the road to being future-ready. As we prepare to embark, we'd love your input on the topics we'll be discussing! With this one-question survey, we hope to learn more about your preferences.
Curriculum You Can Use
In a blended, virtual learning environment, we know keeping students engaged is a challenge. Letting students have a voice in hybrid classrooms helps increase engagement. Use Flipgrid to provide students with an outlet to engage in conversations/discussions and empower every voice in your classroom. Flipgrid is simple, free, and accessible to video discussion experience for learners and their families.

With summer approaching and students continuing to plan for an internship, use the Flipgrid - Volunteering Lesson Plan to start an open-ended discussion about students' perceived value of volunteering as an internship alternative. As an extension activity, students can complete the Internship Alternative & Skill Development Plan.
Many educators are struggling with Zoom fatigue. Check out KQED’s Mindshift that helps educators and students deal with this fatigue. They offer tips to leverage the practice of “sketchnoting” as one strategy for beating the blues of being logged in and consistently present virtually.  
The Second Act is a delicate dance between the boardroom and the court. Venus Williams is a multiple grand slam tennis champion and entrepreneur. Listen to this podcast where she reveals how being an athlete helped her to become an entrepreneur or read Venus Williams’s "Come to Win," which demonstrates how the principles of competitive athletics translates into business success.
Use these tips and tricks that the NAF Network learned from 2020 to help employer partners as they work to design engaging and quality virtual internship experiences for interns!
More Resources Online

Visit our website for more curated resources for teaching CTE during the pandemic including great lessons and activities, live events for students and educators, and help from our community!