NAF's Education Today
As we enter the season of gratitude and giving, NAF is reflecting on the resilience and innovation of our students, educators, and business partners who are the heart of NAF’s network. With Giving Tuesday coming up on December 1st, we invite you to share our campaign with your network so that we can continue to provide meaningful and enriching experiences to students across the country.
Resource of the Week
Help Design Our Internship Prep Lessons
This winter, NAF will be building new lessons to help high school students prepare for their first internship. We need your help! Click below to share your advice on what we should cover and/or apply by Dec 8 to be considered for our design team who will help create these lessons (design team members will earn a $1,000 stipend).
Curriculum You Can Use
With the end of the semester approaching, we know many of you are planning capstone projects or final presentations. Check out these new NAF resources to support you:  
Capstone Project: Let's make the capstone project a rewarding and valuable experience for your students! We recently released NAF's Capstone Project Student Guide, which helps students select their topic, complete their research and final paper, and create an engaging PowerPoint presentation. This guide provides sample instructions, rubrics, timelines, and mentorship details that you can customize for your classroom.  

Effective Presentations: Try out our training for NAF’s summer interns on how to present findings from a research project. You can use our slide deck to teach students how to share their research with a panel of judges, or check out this video from Popular Psychology on the seven key ways to leave a great impression. 
If you're coming back from break ready to learn more about your LMS, Canvas, Google Classroom, and Schoology can be a great place to hear from your peers. Get help and advice from other teachers and educators on these popular platforms!
November is Native American Heritage Month, where we honor and understand the rich culture of those who were the first to be on this land. The 27th is dedicated to this specifically and is known as Native American Heritage Day. As educators and people, it is important to learn to understand the history that has wronged groups of people. Read this article on what Thanksgiving really means to Indigenous groups, and how we must remember to empathize with others who mourn this holiday.
Mark your calendars for this exciting virtual event on December 11, where students will get the chance to speak with a NASA Robotics Engineer and hear about the Mars 2020 mission, what robotics engineers do, and more!
Get Support

Send us great resources you think we should feature in our upcoming weekly emails -- including any virtual activities you've created that you're willing to share!

We’ve got open office hours nearly every day of the week – sign up for a slot to get free support from a NAF expert. (NAF members only)

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